/ Developments / Broadway Corridor Development Plan

Broadway Corridor Development Plan

In accordance with the Pearland Prosperity community strategic plan’s priority to continue to improve the economic vibrancy of the City’s primary corridors, in 2020, the PEDC and City completed the Broadway Corridor Development Plan. The plan was developed with extensive community feedback, including input gathered from workshops and interviews, meetings with TxDOT, an open house, stakeholder meetings, and a community online survey.

The main focus of the plan was to evaluate the impact of Broadway’s reconstruction and widening. Multiple recommendations are made to reduce right-of-way needs for the project, along with a property impact analysis of TxDOT’s widening on specific representative parcels. Also included are recommendations on drainage, utilities, bike/pedestrian facilities, regulatory framework, and approaches to improving the appearance of the corridor.

The plan includes a separate Executive Summary, and also a special report on Corridor Connections in which analysis of alternate congestion relief options might be possible by diverting traffic to other roadways. The report specifically reviews constructing a north-south connection between Veterans and Mykawa and turning Walnut Street into an eastbound one-way couplet with a westbound only Broadway from McLean to Barry Rose Road, which will require both further study and obtaining additional community input.

We will continue to work with TxDOT to ensure the recommendations of the plan are incorporated into the design, and also considered throughout the roadway’s eventual construction. For more information, please visit the 518 Widening page on the City’s website.