Construction Begins on State Highway 35 Corridor Enhancements
For Immediate Release
October 31, 2018
Melissa Black
Pearland Economic Development Corporation
Construction Begins on State Highway 35 Corridor Enhancements
PEARLAND, Texas — Leadership from the City of Pearland and the Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) are pleased to announce that that construction has officially begun on SH 35 Entryway and Corridor Enhancements project. This project, stemming from the State Highway 35 Redevelopment Strategy, includes new entryway monuments on the north side of Clear Creek near the city limits and various streetscaping improvements along the corridor from Beltway 8 to Broadway.
The project, which will be funded and maintained by PEDC, focuses on the entryway at Beltway 8, including the two Pearland entryway monument signs near Clear Creek, planting the medians with canopy trees, enhancing pedestrian areas at major intersections, and framing the roadway with smaller street trees along the right-of-way. Additionally, the project will create a more desirable walking environment in the Old Town section by extending the sidewalk to the back of the right-of-way adding shrubbery as space in the road right-of-way allows.
One of the main strategies outlined in the Pearland 20/20 Community Strategic Plan is to optimize the development potential of Pearland’s principal commercial corridors. The State Highway 35 Redevelopment Strategy was developed to build upon the Strategic Plan suggestions and provide the “big picture” strategic actions that are needed to encourage more investment in the corridor.
The SH 35 Redevelopment Strategy’s vision is to create a high quality and consistently-designed employment and business environment with compatible land uses and supportive amenities. The PEDC Board approved the Strategy on April 28, 2016 and City Council amended the Strategy into the City’s Comprehensive Plan on July 25, 2016.
One of the five catalyst concept areas identified in the Strategy is the Northern Gateway Entrance and Corridor Streetscape Improvements. By improving infrastructure and streetscape within the corridor, the image and sense of place, market appeal and overall taxable value of the area can increase dramatically. To begin implementing this concept, a SH 35 Gateways & Corridor Enhancements Concept Plan was developed for the corridor, from Beltway 8 to Broadway. The project includes these enhancements, which will take approximately one year to complete, weather permitting.
The construction budget for the project is $6,437,050. Landscape Art Inc., a League-City based firm, was awarded the construction contract at the July 23, 2018 City Council meeting.
About PEDC
Established in 1995, the Pearland Economic Development Corporation promotes, assists and enhances the economic development activities and quality of life within Pearland, Texas. In bringing new and existing businesses to the area, the organization attracts capital investment to add to the city’s tax base and helps to increase the number of employment opportunities for residents. For more information, visit
About the Pearland 20/20 Strategic Plan
In 2012, PEDC, along with local partners in government, education, healthcare and business embarked upon a long-term strategic community and economic development planning process to create a shared vision for the community’s future growth and an action plan to achieve it. The Pearland 20/20 Community Strategic Plan was the result of months of research, public input, and feedback and contains nine strategies that are designed to take Pearland to the next level of success. PEDC leads the implementation of the Pearland 20/20 Community Strategic Plan and works in tandem with the city and community partners on the plan’s key initiatives.