/ Media Center / Online Survey Open for New Economic Development Strategic Plan for Pearland

Online Survey Open for New Economic Development Strategic Plan for Pearland

For Immediate Release
June 6, 2019

Melissa Black
Pearland Economic Development Corporation

Online Survey Open for New Economic Development Strategic Plan for Pearland

PEARLAND, Texas — Leaders in Pearland have embarked on a collaborative community and economic development strategic planning process that will make the community a more prosperous, successful, and vibrant place to live, work, and do business. The process will result in a new five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan that will be a consensus-based blueprint to guide the community’s actions in the years to come. This plan will build upon the Pearland 20/20 strategy, which the community developed through a similar process in 2013 and has helped catalyze numerous community improvements in recent years.

Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) has convened the strategic planning process on behalf of the City of Pearland and its partners. A diverse Steering Committee comprised of public, private, and non-profit leaders – including members of the Pearland 20/20 Implementation Committee – will guide the process.  PEDC has retained Market Street Services, Inc., a community and economic development consulting firm based in Atlanta, Georgia to assist and facilitate the creation of the strategic marketing plan.

The initiative begins this month with a series of focus groups and individual interviews with local business, government, education and civic leaders. Results of this community and stakeholder input will assist in determining the strategic recommendations that will guide the community’s collective actions in the years to come. Businesses and residents throughout Pearland have an opportunity to provide feedback about the issues and opportunities facing the community by participating in an online survey.

The online survey is open and available to anyone living or working in Pearland.  The survey can be found by visiting pearlandedc.com/strategicplan. The survey includes questions that explore the community’s strengths and weaknesses and identify future opportunities and challenges.  It also includes multiple open-ended questions where respondents may offer their ideas and hopes for the future of Pearland.  This survey will remain available to the public until 5:00pm on Friday, June 21, 2019.

Responses gathered from the survey will contribute to the vision planning process and guide the Steering Committee in discussions prioritizing the community’s needs. The planning process is expected to take approximately six months.  At the end of the months-long effort, Pearland will have a holistic, actionable, and measurable plan to guide the community’s path to short and long-term economic growth.  The formal plan will be released in early 2020.


About PEDC
Established in 1995, the Pearland Economic Development Corporation promotes, assists and enhances the economic development activities and quality of life within Pearland, Texas. In bringing new and existing businesses to the area, the organization attracts capital investment to add to the city’s tax base and helps to increase the number of employment opportunities for residents. For more information, visit pearlandedc.com.